Krups GVX231 UK Reviewed for 2022

Krups Expert Burr Grinder

Krups GVX231 reviewIt’s easy enough to buy a coffee machine and a bag of grounds to use each time. But, isn’t it better to use freshly ground beans? Your coffee will taste much nicer, and they keep for longer, too. You want to brew a cup that tastes like it’s from your favourite cafe every time.

So, if you haven’t got a machine with a built-in grinder, I think it’s a good idea to consider buying a separate one. I’ve had a close look at the Krups GVX231 to see how it compares to other models, and to check that it does all that it claims.

It’s a neat little design that will fit into the corner of any kitchen without taking up a lot of space. The machine is also simple to use, so you don’t need to worry about spending a long time understanding how it works. You’ll be enjoying fresh coffee with every cup if you go for this addition to your machine.

Krups GVX231 Review

To start with, I’ve gone over a few of the more important features you should consider if you’re looking at this option.

Grind Gauge

This means that whether you like finely or coarsely ground beans, you can opt for that. It certainly does make a difference in how the coffee tastes, and everyone has their preferences. I really like the idea that I can try it out on a few settings to see which one is the best for my taste.

The type of coffee you use might also need a different setting. For example, Arabic and Colombian beans won’t need to be made the same. Everything from the type of grind will affect the outcome. It’s great to play around and see what different tastes can be created and which ones you prefer.

Number of Cups Setting

On the grinder, you can choose between two and twelve cups. This means that you won’t waste any coffee by using too much. It’s far easier than the grinders that require you to start and stop manually and can cause an overflow which leads to a lot of good coffee for the bin. And, let’s face it, beans aren’t cheap. This makes it simple for anyone to use without worrying.

Large Bean Capacity

I don’t find it hugely frustrating to fill up beans regularly, but it can be a lifesaver when you wake up and realize it isn’t full. When you’ve got no time to spare, it can shave a few minutes off your morning routine if you don’t need to get out the packet of beans and fill the machine.

You can fill up to 225g of beans at a time, which is a lot. The airtight container means they’ll stay just as fresh as they do in the bag, so there’s no reason not to keep it topped up all the time.

Stylish and Professional

The design of the machine is very modern, and it won’t look out of place in any kitchen design. It’s simple but looks great. I like that it’s slim and can easily squeeze into any free space you may have.

It works with a two-burr grinder meaning that there’s little room for error. It does a great job of keeping the coffee’s aroma and freshness. I think it’s a great option if you want the type of coffee you are used to when drinking out but at home.

Krups GVX231 Pros

I’ve compiled a few of the positive factors to make it easier when making your decision compared to other models on the current market.

You Can Customise Your Coffee

The fact that you can decide how the beans are ground means that you can make the coffee to your specific needs If two people in the same household like it differently, it’s easy to change the settings.

Removable Parts for Easy Maintenance

You can remove the upper burr and the coffee grounds container. I like that this makes it easy to clean for good hygiene. It’s easy to put back together, so it takes almost no time at all.

Switches off Automatically

You can, of course, turn it off manually. However, there’s no need to. Once the machine has finished grinding the amount you set it to, it will turn off automatically. This is a great little addition as I often forget to turn things off and find that they’ve been on all day. It may not seem like you’ll save a lot of energy, but over a year, it adds up to quite a lot.

No Need to Refill Constantly

As I already noted, this machine has a large capacity to keep beans in. I like the fact that I can top it up when I see it’s getting low, but don’t need to be doing it consistently. You’ll rarely find that it’s empty if you manage to keep it filled when you see it’s getting close to running out.

Krups GVX231 Cons

Nothing in this life is perfect. This is why I’ve mentioned a couple of drawbacks to help you weigh it up against others. You don’t want it to come as a surprise if you do go for this model.

Doesn’t Grind as Finely as You Might Like

For some people, they like the beans to be ground exceptionally finely when making an espresso. This machine does offer a range of options, but some customers have mentioned that they would like it to be even finer.

Poor Switch Design

The switch that you move to decide on the number of cups can sometimes tighten up and get stiff. This can be a little frustrating and has been mentioned by a few buyers. However, compared to the overall design, it’s a minor factor.


As a grinder, I think this an excellent little model. It does the job well and is very affordable for most buyers out there. I want something that will make my coffee taste fresh every time, and this machine will do that.

I like that you can choose how many cups you want to make and that you can change the coarseness. I’m also happy about not having to fill up the beans after just a few cups. I think the pros far outweigh the cons as long as you don’t want extra finely ground beans for your espresso.

Marco Bianchi

My name is Marco Bianchi and I’m glad you have decided to visit my website! If you are reading this, then you understand the importance of a good cup of coffee. Whether you are looking for tips on better tasting coffee, the best equipment you can buy, or any other aspect of the wonderful drink that is coffee, I hope that you will find everything you need right here.

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